We’re asking that you partner with us by contributing to our mission.

At Water Otter we are expanding our mission to protect the world’s water and to support the water industry.
In every home and business, “It’s About the Water”, keeping our families healthy and safe while protecting our environment.
We’re asking that you partner with us by contributing to our mission. Our goal is to bring together the power and commitment of respected companies like yours to deliver a strong message; the welfare of the world’s clean water supply is critical.
At a time when political and social scrutiny is so dangerous, this is a mission everyone can get behind simply because it impacts EVERYONE. It is inclusive, it is non-political, and IT MATTERS. We have no hidden agenda but to raise awareness and offer our services cost effectively - your participation helps us do that.
I know you’re busy, but please consider the value of giving me just 5 minutes (maybe even 3!) to suggest a couple of ways your company can help. (So, we don’t waste time, just TEXT me your contact info at 804.512.2151 and I’ll return your call within minutes.)
Thanks for your consideration and thanks in advance for helping us protect America’s (and the world’s) most valuable resource – our water.
Terry Looney
Managing Director
TR4 Development, Inc. dba Water Otter
Transparency statement: Water Otter is an S Corporation - a structure that allows us to operate more efficiently and cost effectively than by adding the administrative and legal expense of establishing ourselves as a not-for-profit company.)